DON’T knock on wood

I’m doing my best to appreciate the enthusiasm of the person sitting next to me at Starbucks, but punctuating every point by slamming her fist on the table is getting old. My heart can’t take the surprises.

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On Making New Friends

I’m reading some self-improvement books—mostly for a project I’m working on but also for myself—and the information is solid, except for one thing: every one of those books talks about finding happiness, lowering anxiety, or learning to trust your intuition in the context of being around other people on a consistent basis. What if you… Continue reading On Making New Friends

Molasses, uphill, January

The ‘net connection is super slow today. Maybe that’s a sign that I need to just take things easy, go with the flow.

Hey lungs – The Fluent Self

Listen, kiddo. You were doing the best you could at the time with the tools you had. You had some rough stuff to deal with, and cigarettes were comfort. They were more than comfort, they were a precious pause when you didn’t know how to pause. via The Fluent Self